Integrating videos from different series  

By Peter Viney

The same actors (Steve Steen & Jim Sweeney) and some of the same situations (Dennis Cook, Inspector Grant) appear in the Grapevine videos and English Channel videos. The following integration chart may prove useful. The video unit numbers do not correspond as Grapevine videos were designed to precede each unit of five lessons, whereas English Channel was designed to follow each group of equivalent syllabus elements.

Level one:

Only in America shares the same format, but is in American English. We believe that students should be exposed to both varieties, even though one variety will be dominant in teaching materials. Video is an ideal way of introducing the "other" variety.

If you enjoy using video, you may wish to use two, or even all three, series.

 Main Teaching Point
 English Channel One
 Grapevine One
 Only in America

International vocabulary

numbers; greetings


1 Introduction


to be, numbers, time



1 Welcome to English Channel


2 Lambert & Stacey


1 Duane & Donna in New York


a/an; demonstratives,

There is / are; imperatives


2 Hackers


3 Quiz of The Week


2 First day


Imperatives; countable &

uncountable; have


3 Ken’s Kitchen


4 The Keys


3 Strange Encounter


can, can’t; would like;



4 A Day In The Country


5 Chips with Everything


4 Big Deal!


Present continuous

Going to future


5 Dennis Cook & The Red Balloon


6 K-Division Metro Police


5 Office Blues


Present simple

Frequency adverbs


6 Oakwood Ave: Saturday mornings


7 A Day in the life of Dennis Cook


6 The Websters


was / were;

past simple


7 Inspector Grant: On the Beach


8 One Dark Night


7 Good Morning Greenstown


Past simple (2)

indefinite pronouns

(futures in Only in America)


8 Robin Hood


8 The Artist

Level two:

 Main Teaching Point
  English Channel Two
 Grapevine Two

Revision of level one


  2. Dennis Cook’s



Future simple; other uses of


will / shall


1 Anywhere, anytime


2 The Wedding


Past continuous; past continuous v past simple; when, while


The N.A.I.L. Files


3 Inspector Grant Investigates


Present perfect with time



3 An English Country Garden


My Friend Is An Alien


Comparative & superlative


Going, going, gone


5 One Careful Owner


Obligation & prohibition; modal verbs; must, mustn’t, have to, need


5 Oakwood Avenue: Baby Love


6 Survival


Mild obligation: should,

shouldn’t ; present perfect with


for / since


6 Dennis Cook’s Money Worries


7 At the Doctor’s


Type 1 conditionals; future

clauses with when, before,

after etc


7 Weather Report


8 Radio Plays


Active and passive: present

and past only

  2. Inspector Grant: Bodyguards

Level 3:

Main Teaching Point
English Channel Three
 Grapevine Three

Review of level one & two structures


1 Dennis Cook’s Party


Present perfect: simple & continuous; indirect questions


Double Identity: Episode 1


2 The Cricket Match


Relative clauses; introductory adverbs


Double Identity: Episode 2


3 No Vacancies


Active & passive in a variety of tenses


Double Identity:

Episode 3


4 ETV-South West News


Past perfect; clauses of reason


Double Identity: Episode 4


5 Princess Calling


Type 1 & type 2 conditionals


Double Identity: Episode 5


6 A Glastonbury Tale


Reported speech


Double Identity: Episode 6

  2. Love In A Garden

Deduction & speculation; must / may / can’t be; must have done



Double Identity: Episode 7


Eddie Barber-Private Eye


Type 3 conditionals; should / would have done; wishes,



Double Identity: Episode 8



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